How long does it take to get over heartbreak?


Hi pretty gals, so I've never had my heart broken (unless you count Westley from 7th grade. I mean I know we never actually talked and he didn't know I was in love, but it was so devastating when I found our he liked someone else lol). I've been in a relationship since I was basically 15 years old, so I never went through typical breakups.

I know only time heals and you're just supposed to be there for the person, listen to them and comfort as much as possible.

I want to be supportive but not overbearing. In the past I found myself probably asking if they were ok too much, when my intention was just to show support.

I know this healing time is situational, BUT about how long would you say the person takes not to overcome a break up? I know it's different for everyone. If you went through a tough break up, how long did it take you to move on?