Stay or go?

If your partner (you’re not legally married). Father of your 3 kids (allunder 6 )decided to break the relationship would you attempt to stay or go? You’ve been together 7+yrs, he’s had a broken home growing up so there’s tons of issues there with projecting problems that are not ours.. but he doesn’t believe in therapy..

He supports the family 100% financially but almost zero help when it comes to rearing the kids. He thinks that since I’m sahm it’s my job to do all kids related stuff and his only responsibility is to assure us a good living. Great! Problem is I’m exhausted I need a break and he sees this as I can’t handle it, which is infuriating! Example I’m breastfeeding kids have to be picked up from school , taken to playground, given snack and dropped off to after school activities. I breastfeed at 2.30p , stroll baby to pickup one kid then we all walk to pick up the other at 3p I watch them at playground for 20 min come home get them ready And baby to drive to activities at 4p-5p. Meanwhile he works from home but usually 3-5 it’s not busy so he’s playing on oculus while I’m running around trying to make the times, rushing home to make dinner feed , check homework, pack lunch, breastfed at 5:30p put the kids to bed. He hangs out with baby & I for 1hr after I’ve put the other 2 to bed and then we split into our rooms (he’s on a cpap machine which is v noisy I can’t sleep so we ve always slept in different rooms). Now he wants to break up reasons -we had a fight and he’s like this is toxic, I’m like yeah bc I’m trying to do it all and you don’t accept that half of these responsibilities are YOURS! Idk he’s got single dad friends who I think are putting these ideas in his mind. Up to our fight 6 days ago he was saying I love you every day…I’m conflicted bc I don’t want to raise the kids in 2 homes.. what would you do? Ty!

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