How long did it took you to heal from your C-section?

Emmys • In love with my babies Celeste 👧🏻 Kyle Emmett 👶🏻 Adriel J. 👶🏽

My first C-section was almost 3 years ago. I kind of remember how painful (couldn’t cough, sneezing was painful, getting up from bed etc) it was but don’t remembered for how long. I currently 34 weeks and I might end up having another one if this baby is as lazy as my 3yrs old son was. This baby is currently breech, I know there’s still time for him to get head down. My daughter came 3 days after her due date and my son a week and half after his due date ( I was induced!!) he didn’t want to come out at all. I have this feeling if I were to get induced I might end up having another C-section.

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