December fights


Its Christmas nr 9 for us as a couple, married for 2 and first with our son. You'd think after 8 Christmasses we would know what the other likes, wants, doesn't like. Yet here we are at Christmas nr 9 together and I can't smile enjoy or look forward to a second without a pit in my stomach that my partner is going to lose it. He is frustrated that my family (only mom and dad, no siblings) are coming (only for 8 days out of 3 weeks) and would dare to assume they could both stay with us in our 4 bedroom house. I can't imagine how to try explain that family is important, family can always stay over no matter how long, because that's what family does. Especially over Christmas. He can't seem to let me understand how inconvenient inconsiderate and unreasonable it is for my family that live 1500km away to want to spend 1 week in the same house as us. They can rent a room somewhere/ they can stay in a hotel, ok fine lots of families do that. But how do they afford that... We just cannot.

He keeps talking divorce and saying he regrets buying a house together because we fundamentally just dont work well together. After 9 years... Wow. Too shocked for tears.