Toxic parents rant

I’m tired of my moms narcissistic I hate that she throws thing at my face that I tell her about and proceeds to laugh off I feel so much rage and confusion on why she treats me like I’m not her daughter . Also my dad is such a piece of shit too . I’ unfortunately have to keep on staying with them because I have no option but I can’t wait to never have to put up with them anymore. It’s messing with me mentally I’m mad at the fact they fucked me up I have childhood trauma . I struggle with anxiety & depression bc of them I’m so tired of them gaslighting me all the time and act like a victim after doing so like I literally cannnot stand them I oversleep and wake up late as hell to avoid them idk what to anymore . I feel like I need to go to the therapy to help me heal from all their bs like one day they’re nice the next they’re pieces of shits not to mention how they’re always body shaming me and then put fear on me with god when I want to speak up and stand up for my self I’m so over it