Could this be a chemical in the making? Please read..🤷🏼‍♀️

So I am 15DPO today and had a big temp drop on my BBT this morning. My lines don’t seem to be getting darker on easy@home like they did my last pregnancy and I’ve been brown spotting for 2 days (only when I wipe but this is how it stared when I miscarried). I don’t “feel” pregnant like I did last time either. AF was due to start today, nothing as of yet but cramping like it’s coming! I’ve been testing positive from around 10DPO.

The easy@home are from 13, 14 & 15 DPO. Concerned that this could end up being a chemical due to all factors? Has anyone had similar experiences and all turned out okay? Hate the anxiety of another loss.

FYI - doctors won’t do anything as I’m “too early” which is understandable. They won’t even take beta draws!