5month old sleep


My LO will officially be 5 months next week and his sleep has completely flipped. He normally wakes 2 times a night to feed and then goes right back to sleep with no issue. 7pm bedtime-5:30am wake time.

But on Thursday he got his 4month vaccinations and although he had no reaction he was very fussy which we knew might happen but now every night he wakes up almost every 2 hours crying/screaming and is inconsolable. At first I thought it was a reaction to the shots but there’s no physical signs.

He has been showing signs of teething but his nubs haven’t cut and he has no fever. He’s refusing to nurse (we supplement) and even if I try to give him his pacifier which he’s always taken to will make him cry even harder ☹️

I’m at a loss of what the issue could be