did anyone else not get anything for christmas?

i’m kinda upset. i’m married with two kids…. we don’t have shared bank accounts. i paid for 90% of the kids toys. i bought my husband a ps5, a hat he wanted, clothes, and not to mention his birthday was 2 weeks ago so i got him a lot more stuff then. my husband bought the kids 1 or 2 gifts each. christmas morning everyone is opening their gifts and i got literally nothing from my husband. 0. everyones stockings were full but mine. i didn’t get one thing. we didn’t make a deal to not get each other anything, he asked me to send him the links to stuff i might want and i sent him like 10 things i was interested in (make up, a table, pots and pans, etc)

i know christmas isn’t all about the gifts but it really is the thought that counts. i was so excited to give everyone their presents and see them happy and my feelings are genuinely hurt. my 4 year old asked “why didn’t santa get mommy a present?”

@eliza noooo we DIDNT have that talk! that’s what i was saying, he asked me for links to things i wanted, so i sent them, and i knew he wanted a PS5 so i went ahead and got that.

@niki he mouthed “i’ll buy you something later next week” and i was like…. don’t even worry about it.