Ok this is long but plz help

I feel like i cant talk to anyone else about this so here i am on this app looking for random strangers to confide in… so little back story me and my boyfriend started dating last year but it was on n off, we ended up rekindling in march & june came i moved in with him and i found out i was pregnant, fast forward now i am 30 weeks expecting! The sex is great when it can be but he wanted to introduce toys into the bedroom for me (his idea not mine) well weve been having some issues and havent really been together all that much but yesterday we finally seen eachother and obviously did the deed & he had the nerve to text me not even call me like a decent human being to tell me that we need to stop using toys and that “it better be tight” next time we have sex… that it wasnt feeling good to me whatsoever, meanwhile he came within 3 minutes tops.. now hes acting as if i have no room to be upset about the comment he made, so i guess i am curious am i wrong for being upset over something that wasnt my idea to begin with? My feelings are extremely hurt over his remarks and i already have been feeling very down about myself as is but now this really was the icing on the cake for me.