Intermittent severe cramping, no bleeding at 5 weeks.


I have been having mild to moderate cramping all week that usually would get better by eating, taking Tylenol, or resting. Then Thursday night I woke up with severe one sided cramping. I was worried about ectopic so I went to the ED. They ran a bunch of tests, including an ultrasound. While I was waiting on the tests, the cramping got better. But I also was having tremors which continued off and on. It was so weird but the tests were all pretty negative except that I was dehydrated so they gave me IV fluids and Zofran.

My ultrasound didn't show any ectopic and it showed a yolk sac in my uterus but no fetal pole. I think thats normal at 5 weeks but now I'm worried my baby isn't developing correctly. But I have been so sick (nausea, fatigue, the works). The ed just said to come back if my symptoms get worse again and to follow up with my OB but they are closed till Tuesday cuz of the holiday weekend. The waiting is killing me and im scared something is wrong.

Anyone have a similar experience with the cramping or an early ultrasound that showed the same thing?