5 months on mirena IUD


2023, how nice it is to be here. I thought since its the new year and my 6 month mark is coming up next month with my iud so i thought i’d share my thoughts and experience so far! The insertion was not the best and the few days after werent good either but after about a week or two i think it got better. i did get a cyst on my ovary which my doctor said was common and did a follow up ultrasound this past december and it was gone so yay! my periods have become so much lighter to the point that i’m wearing my normal go to pad for maybe a day at most and then panty liners the rest. i do spot still occasionally and get brown discharge with the spotting. the cramping was on and off consistently for the first three months and has gotten much better after the three month mark and the cramping is normally right before my period and can get bad but it’s manageable and i get back pain as well. my acne has gotten better as well after insertion but recently my acne has been flaring up again so thats fun. i’m still constantly paranoid it’ll fall out or perforate my uterus but that’s my anxiety talking. the ultrasound showed the iud to be where its supposed to be. tbh i haven’t done a string check in a while but oh well. my experience so far has been good and bad. i’ll probably share again once i hit a year. i said to myself to give the iud a year and if i didn’t like it, i’ll have it removed so we shall see! but so far i’m all for it, i’m really hoping my periods will go away so fingers crossed 🤞🏻

(as i write this i’m having back pain and it suuucks)