Am I “tattling” on my son?

My son is 8 and has ADHD/Level 1 Autism. He is usually perceived as “naughty” by others because he has so much energy and is extremely strong willed. What’s the hardest with him is that he’s really tough and rough, and often breaks things. It’s not always on purpose but because he “plays” by taking things apart and hitting them. So I just got a whole bunch of new storage bins for his and my 4 and 2 year old’s toys. They’re tough plastic and were NOT cheap. My son decided to stand on top of one of them and jump causing the lid the crack and break. I have told him time and time again to not stand on random objects. He has a trampoline and indoor stepping stones for this sensory need. I saw him standing on it and I said “Jeremy, down. Now.” He stuck his tongue out at me and said “NO!” Then it cracked through. He’s lucky the plastic didn’t slice open his leg. As a consequence I made him pick up his toys and he had to have 15 minutes of quiet time. (He hates this, so it’s pretty effective). Anyway, later that day my husband got home from work. He saw the broken bin in the laundry room and asked me what happened. I told him the truth, Jeremy jumped on it and cracked it. Now my husband is much more stern than me and he got mad. He gave a really stern talking-to to our son and took away his iPad for a full day. That night my son came to me and said “why do you always tattle on me? Now dad is mad at me and I got my iPad taken when you already gave me a time out. Why do I get two?” And he looked at me like I betrayed him or something. I told him that mom and dad parent together and we’re not separate, we don’t keep things from each other. But he did not seem to understand that well. Should I not have told my husband? Do you tell your spouse when your child misbehaves during the day?