Would this tick you off? Or am I wrong?


So I had my son a few months ago. Before he arrived I asked my boss for a bonus for kicking serious butt in sales. He came up with the idea of two weeks pay. I was thrilled. Especially since I don’t get a cent for mat leave.

I’ve been an employee there for 6 years and intended on going back after I found childcare.

Well. Christmas arrives and I asked him if he gave out bonuses and he said I would get one. Well. Weeks later… Everyone else got their bonus… I didn’t. I asked him about it and he said he thought it wasn’t fair since he gave me a bonus before I left for mat leave. So I didn’t get anything.

I feel so let down and hurt. Does this make any sense to you? I deserved that Christmas bonus in my mind. But maybe I am missing something. Other people in the office have had bonuses for sales and got a Christmas bonus.

Would you go back to work there?