Need advice

I feel like I need some peace of mind. Driving myself insane over here. My period for November was extremely long. 9 days. My standard is like 4-5 days. I’m pretty regular with around 30-31 day cycles. With my November period being longer then usual, I have no idea when I ovulated. My period was 11/25-12/3. My December cycle was suppose to start on 12/25. I had unprotected sex on 12/24 with no forms of BC. Well, my period never came on 12/25. In fact it was 5 days late. It started and was brown. Then red. Then pink. Then brown. Then red. It was all over the place. Not heavy. Never constantly. It would come and go. This went on for 4 days. 3-4ish. Now I’m feeling my my breast are sensitive. Not painful but sensitive. I have random waves of nausea. I’ve taken several test. Daily. All which are negative. Is this all in my head or is there a chance I’m pregnant?

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Did you have sex mid Dec? Implantation takes 5-14 days to happen (time between ovulation and period)


Jordan • Jan 12, 2023
Hey! Yeah we did have sex on the 4th also. I swore that seen faint lines that I brushed off as evap lines. So it’s very possible that maybe it was a chemical. I’ve used all test I could get my hands on. Dollar store. Clear blue. First response. I think at this point I’m in the “clear” and just time to try again


Ti • Jan 11, 2023
I think you would have needed to have sex between the 5th-9th, although maybe the 4th would have worked if you ovulated early. Both the 18th and 24th are too late for a period starting on the 25th. It is possible to ovulate near the 18th and still get pregnant but that is only 7 days of luteal phase and you need at least 6 for implantation to happen. Have you varied what tests you used? Also it is possible you had a chemical which can be like a sort-of period and unless you tested positive in a short window you might not have seen it happen. No other pains or bleeding?


Jordan • Jan 10, 2023
The 4th. 18th and the 24th