Ectopic Pregnancies

At what stage did your symptoms of an ectopic show? Or did you not find out until ultrasound (no symptoms)?

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Started on Friday with low back pain and cramping on the right side, which is the side it was on. Felt like passing out multiple times. Then Saturday morning severe cramping and started bleeding bright red blood, not heavy bleeding though. By Sunday I went to the ER and they did the ultrasound but couldn't confirm it because of free fluid, which was bleeding from the rupture. Was sent home and follow up on Wednesday. They did the salpingectomy Wednesday night.


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I found out when it burst.. I went in for an IUD to see if it would help the 35 day period I had going on, and they couldn't do it because my test came back positive! Send me to US right away and they only found an empty sac (this angers me). I had miscarried 2x before so they said to prepare. 4 days later it burst. It was terrible


Leah • Jan 11, 2023
Only one sided cramps but nothing out of the ordinary I remember cramping in early pregnancy.


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I started bleeding at 6 weeks.


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I had right sided pain, but it wasn’t severe, and bleeding.