Desperate need of help

Haley • Wifey💍Mommy💖

I’m in desperate need of some help.

My almost 3 year old has been having serious problems going to bed at night.

Ever since she has been sleeping in her own room we put her in her room. Read books. Say our prayers and we leave her in her room and she’s usually good. She goes to sleep on her own and occasionally would fuss a little bit but nothing concerning.

Well the last few nights when we take her to bed she screams and cries and acts completely terrified. She asks me to lay with her and I do and when I go to get up she holds on to me so tight shaking scared it seems. Idk what to do or what’s causing this out of no where behavior. Anyone ever experience this? What was causing it and what helped?

She cant sleep with us in bed at night because we have a 1 month on that wakes up several times at night to nurse. Plus it’s never been our normal for her to sleep with us. I just wanna know what we can do to help this