Katelyn🧿 • Grad ‘27🎓• Mom💙💙🩷🩷🩷•

Me and my daughters dad have been together for going on 2 years. We have also been living together for almost 2 years.

The relationship moved pretty fast, but our daughter was planned. She’s 4 months old.

During our relationship, almost 2 years worths of it.. He was always doing his thing, which included him texting and talking to other females including his ex, liking other females pictures etc.. Didn’t like nothing of mine, didn’t text me back like he used to, we don’t do anything together, never been to a grocery store together. Never bought me flowers and I’ve never met his mom.. Matter fact, WE avoid and make ways for ME to not meet her. (Just trying to show how.. Detached and unserious we are)

When I got pregnant, he got a females number 5 days before I gave birth (I just found this out).

I had to beg this man to talk to me, vibe with me and he never did..

So 2023 I promised myself I’m going to invest in happiness and myself. I promised myself if I can’t be happy with someone then I’ll make my own happiness somewhere else. Life is way too short to just live unhappy and a lot of other things between our relationship and such. I noticed lately he hasn’t been the way he was, he’s more there and involved and talks to me and has been wanting to have sex with me.. But I’m way too far gone to care anymore. I cried, I begged, I asked, I screamed all for reassurance, love and comfort and never got it for almost 2 years. Now you want to do right, and love me?


I’ve went to sleep countless times emotionally not okay because I was so stuck on “what can I do to fix things” when I was never the problem, he didn’t care about my tears, my sacrifices or anything.

Why should I?

He talked to other females while we were together to find happiness and satisfaction from someone else, why shouldn’t I?

I’m ready to move on, find someone else and just be fucking happy. Am I wrong?

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