Transfer this Saturday and not excited


I have my 3rd FET scheduled for Saturday, and I’m not excited at all. I’m scared, I’m depressed, I’m uneasy, I’m panicked.. I am everything except happy which the one emotion I should be feeling. And the worst part is, I don’t fully understand why.

My first two FET’s I was giddy. The first one I was also nervous, understandably. It unfortunately failed to implant. The second one I was very blissful and calm and sure enough I did get pregnant. It was the happiest moment of my life seeing that positive pregnancy test after all the hell of infertility. And then it ended abruptly in an early miscarriage. I think this is why I’m having these feelings right now. I guess I’m scared that this will happen again.

Does anyone have any advice on how to work through this fear? Or experience having a successful transfer after having negative feelings, fear or trauma from a prior miscarriage?

Thank you. I want to go into this with a calm, hopeful and happy mind and it’s proving difficult.