Is there an 11 month sleep regression or leap?

Linda • Mama to two baby girls named Blayne and Blaire. 🌙🌟 Husband and I own an A/C business.❄️ Cat lover 😽 Florida 🏖

My 11 month old use to roll right over after her bottle and go right to sleep. But this week she’s started waking more and crying more at night. And having a hard time going to sleep. She’s also been eating more and less at the same time if that makes sense. I can see she’s getting a tooth that’s not yet through the gums. So I’m sure that has something to do with it too.

I’ve given her Tylenol, I rock her more, soothe her more since she’s obviously going through something. she’s just so sad and I feel so bad.

I need some insight