Desperate Mumma here!


Hi! My little one is turning 2 in April. For the last 3-4 months he has become progressively less happy to be in his cot. It takes me nearly an hour to get him to sleep and he wakes up constantly throughout the night and then it’s trying to get him to sleep and back in there. He used to sleep fine but then he got an ear infection and ever since it’s been a battle. I’m at my wits end with it tbh I feel like I’ve tried everything other than turning his cot into a toddler bed. I’m due my baby end of may so that’s adding to my desperation. I can’t put him in his own room as he’s older brother is in there and I don’t want him constantly woken when he has school. I try to stick to the routine of 6:30 wake up, 11:30 nap until 1:30 (sometimes he naturally wakes up earlier) and bed at 7/7:30. I’ve mixed it up here and there to see if it makes a difference but nothing does! Please any advice would be so appreciated. Thank you 😊