Advice on timings!xx


Okay girls I need your help. I need to know I’m on the right path here. I started my last period on the 8th of January and have been taking ovulation tests since 7 days after my period started. Day 7 and day 8 showed a faint line but not particularly strong enough as to class it as ovulating. I’ve added a picture below, it shows the dates and the tests I took on those dates the hearts on the dates are the days we had sex. I guess what I’m trying to ask is am I doubt the right thing? We have tried to do the method of sex every other day 8 days after my period started, then every day once I had a strong result on the test. This will be our first child and we, like everyone else on here, are desperate to start a family. I hope I’m doing right by myself and any advice is welcome xx

Edit* we also had sex the Saturday before this week also x