Loss for words…

Courtney • Married, mother of 3 + angel baby👼🏻🥰

The last couple days have been nothing but heartache. I feel if I share this it will help ME get through it just a little more even though I will never be ”over it”. In May 2021 my husband and I decided this will be our last child and agreed for me to have a TL. In August 2022 we chose to have a reversal done bcuz God has shown me signs there’s a little girl out there for me yet, but at time of reversal only my right tube was reversible. This past Saturday I was sent to the ER due to outrageous pain I’ve never endured ever in my life, turned out I was pregnant and had a large ruptured ectopic in the right tube(measured around 3cm); the only tube I had left. I was DEVASTATED!!! The drs told me my levels were at 1600 mark but only estimated me between 2-3wks. How is this possible? Anyone else got these numbers with that week #?

God has a plan for everyone/everything even though we may not understand why he chose that path when it completely breaks our heart or just doesn’t seem fair. There’s always a light at the end. A loss is never easy. I pray for healing, rest and peace for not only myself but for everyone who has endured this type of loss. God has a plan!!!! 💔🥺😭👼🏻

#flyhighmyangel #tillwemeetagain