Ovulation bleeding?


Okay so my estimated ovulation day was 1-25-23. I’ve been taking ovulation tests the past 5 days but I never had peak ovulation on any of the tests. I had egg white cervical mucus for like 4 days, last week sometime before my estimated ovulation, so I thought ovulation was about to happen. Then it turned into creamy white & no LH surge that I caught so I thought maybe ovulation didn’t happen for me this cycle.

1-26-23 I had pelvic cramping that kind of took my breath away for about 30 minutes but I read ovulation cramps can be that way sometimes. I was cramping on and off throughout today 1-27-23, barely. My period isn’t due for almost 2 weeks. What is this? I was worried I might have a cyst or something but I went to the doctor and there were no cysts, they did blood work but I won’t get that back until next week & nothing was wrong when they did my annual exam a couple months ago. I have no clue 😭