Clearblue digital not rising past 2-3


Hi. I'm 5+2 weeks today and my clearblue digital us still on 2-3.

I had hcg bloods taken last Wednesday at 4 weeks and they were 251, the following day I got my first 2-3 on a CB digital, I was expecting just over a week later to get my 3+ but I haven't :( I had a MMC in April last year and it's taken 7 months to conceive this one. Super worried, has this happened anyone else? My FRER tests are all dye stealers still.... No Morning sickness but really sore boobs still. Sorry just super anxious as this rainbow baby is wanted so badly 🥺 just to add I have a EPU scan but not until Saturday next week when I should be 6+3 weeks. Thanks