Opinions please!

After 3 losses, my husband and I are pregnant again! The beginning was a little rough, as I was experiencing bleeding, passing clots, and having pain. Due to my previous losses and how things were looking in the beginning, I had an early ultrasound done at 6 weeks and another done at 7 weeks (since the bleeding and passing clots continued). Everything has been progressing as normal, and I am now 11w3d!

As you can imagine, I have been having a lot of stress and anxiety with this pregnancy, which my OB saw first hand at my appointment last week because my blood pressure was high at first due to nerves. He used a doppler & found baby’s heartbeat, but my anxiety is still so strong because I keep having such vivid nightmares about miscarriage.

Here’s my question… is it okay/normal to request another ultrasound from my OB? My next appointment with him isn’t for another 4 weeks, which he may or may not do an ultrasound. & if he doesn’t, the next one I have scheduled isn’t for another 8 weeks (the anatomy scan). I just can’t keep going on like this with my anxiety & I don’t have any idea if baby is growing like it should.