Mirena removed


I had my mirena IUD removed on Jan 8th 2023, and I bled 3 days later for a week of a medium to heavy flow. (I marked it down I don’t really wanna call it a period cause seems too soon, but I marked it anyways just to keep track.) and what would be according to glow if it were a cycle, my hubby and I did it on a “fertile day” knowing it might be way too soon to try but gave it a go anyways (practice run🤣). We’ll it’ll be a week tomorrow with no sign a cycle. (I’m preparing myself that’s it’s gonna take a few months) but I have light period like cramping, some light inner leg pain, lower back pain, energy level is lowish, breaking out like crazy and just feel off. My cervix is medium/high closed, and hard. and I took a couple preggo tests but they look negative. Sooo anyone experience this? Just my body out of whack? Lol I’d love to hear your experience with mirena and TTC! :)