
I got my bfp yesterday morning, went to the dr during my lunch, blood work came back positive! My husband and I have been trying for only 3 months! Hoping this is a sticky bean!!!
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Thanks everyone. I think that it is worse because it happened right at Christmas. I know It was early, but I was going To be telling my parents and my in laws this weekend when we had our family Christmas. So now, instead of happy news, I have to tell them bad news. This is something that I can't keep from them. And you are right. At least I know I can get pregnant. Bright side to all the darkness? If you could call it that...


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:( very sorry


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I'm so sorry Jade. I know what you're going through, I had a mc in September at 6 weeks and it was devastating. I keep reminding myself it was for a reason, and when it sticks it will be a healthy baby. The good news Is that you were able to get pregnant in the first place, so it will happen again!


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I'm so sorry Jade, I hope you get your rainbow baby this month. My prayers are with you


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Sorry for the bad news, hang in there! It'll happen soon!


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Unfortunately, I am experiencing a miscarriage right now. The doc said I wouldn't have even known I was having a miscarriage had I not been paying attention and being so in tune with our "journey to conception". I will be going back to the dr on Friday to make sure everything is going the way it should be going. We will be trying again this month, but I won't be getting my hopes up. My husband and I were both very devastated when we got the news, and are taking it one day at a time. Good luck to all of you!


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Thank you ladies! Fx and baby dust sent your way! Or not, if you are avoiding pregnancy! Lol!


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Congrats Jade! Enjoy it!


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Yay!!! That's very exciting!