It is too soon?

So this is only my second month TTC and I know for many of you it has been sooo much longer! And really I admire your courage and strength! I'm in no way trying to make anyone upset by saying I want it now! Lol anyways, my question is, since this is only month 2 TTC, and my periods are finally on a schedule of about 39CD. Should I take any suppelments like fertility blend or fertililaid for me or DH? It's know to help regulate cycles, etc but mine may be long CD but at least they're regular and I wonder if it will mess with that or if it's just good to take and hope it boostes my chances of conception. I'm already taking prenatals, calcium, and magnesium and DH just started taking a multivitamin. Is it too soon in the game for me to take a fertility supplement?