HELP!! Please :)

Josh N Carla
I was supposed to start my period on the 3rd and I tested everyday since the 2nd till today.. All were negative except for this mornings.. I think?! I did the test then left for physical therapy and forgot to check it till I got home around two hours later! Since to me it looked positive I took a second one and it was negative.. The one from just now is on top that I believe is negative and the one on the bottom is from this morning... Is it a positive or a evaporation line?? Praying for positive!! O! I don't know if it is important but I have been really tired! My stomach aches, started cramping lower right side today but I have #2 also so the cramps may be from that.. I have had I defeatism every night for like a week and every smell seems to be awful since like two days ago! My most fertile day at 33% was the 19th of last month... Please help!!!! I'm so lost!
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Posted at
Maybe try a different brand HPT like clear blue or first response ?? The first 2 you posted looked positive to me. 


Sherri • Feb 7, 2014
Agreed! Or even get blood work from your doctor. Good Luck!


Posted at
Hey guys this may mean something my cm is white and cramy like lotion almost and there is a lot of it.. What does that mean? Also still no period..... Hmm?!


Sherri • Feb 7, 2014
Hopefully you just tested too early! Ive heard a dew ladies complain about the creamy CM and winding up pregnant!! :)


Posted at
Negative this morning ladies :( such a sad picture! ​


Posted at
I see a line on both. I would wait a day or two and test again with FMU. Keep us posted. Fingers crossed for you.


Posted at
Aww thanks so much I need tons of baby dust lol!!


Posted at
Try and wait two days and test again in the morning as soon as you wake up.. Baby Dust to you!! Good luck!!!


Posted at
Aww yay!!! I hope so!! I will test agin in the morning and let yal see it too lol :) thanks so much 


Posted at
They both look positive to me 


Posted at
Kind of a tough one! I think the bottom one looks like a positive but it's past the 10min. Time. But thd top one does look like it may want to show something but I assume you took it later on in the day not with your first urine. I would personally wait a couple more days and re-test and hopefully that line will darken up!! Best of Luck to you both!! And let us know what happens!!!  :)


Posted at
It's hard for me to tell but I think I still see a faint line on the top/most recent one too. Take another in the morning!