Anyone else around 36 years old trying?

Christy • 36 years old, getting married in October. Have 2 children from prev marriage and trying for baby 3 after 15 yrs month 1
Im getting married in October. My future hubby has no children and I have 2 from previous marriage. 17 and 15 year olds. I have always wanted another baby. Haven't been on birth control for about a year but haven't been tracking my cycle. 
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Posted at
34 and trying for our 3rd for almost a year now! Our first two, we got pregant within a month or two!!  


Posted at
35 & had mc in November--trying again & this is my 2nd month on glow..hoping March will be the month


Sarah-May • Feb 24, 2014
Good luck. I am in the same position as you xx


Christy • Feb 21, 2014
Good luck!!


Posted at
Hello, I'm 35 in April and trying for our first. We started in October and got pregnant first time but miscarried at 6 weeks. Started again as soon as I got first period after that.​​Trying OPKs and temping this time plus picked up some fertility lube from Boots. Both my husband and I liked it actually. My bbt chart suggests I ovulated on CD9 (I'm on CD15 today) which is silly because I have a 33 day cycle. We've been trying to do the Sperm Meets Egg Plan but didn't manage to start BDing till CD10 rather than CD8. Been testing every day and OPKs have been getting darker every day but not positive yet.​​I don't think this is our month. Be a miracle if we do.


Posted at
38 and trying for my third (first with my new hubby).  He's 10 years younger then me and married me knowing I didn't want more kids. I have a great 9 year old son and a 13 year old daughter.  Both just happened before I could think about it.  So now I am on ttc month 2 and freaking out.  It's so different when you want it and feel like you are on a clock. 


T • Feb 24, 2014
I kbiw the feeling and have younger husband ss well ttc our own 2nd month. Keep the faith ! Prayers and baby dust


Posted at
Hi, I' m 36 trying fot my nr2. First one (2yrs old)  took only two months trying. With this one we 've been trying since Oct.


Posted at
35 and trying for my 3rd. Though my first 2 just happened so this is the first time I'm playing the TTC game. 


Posted at
34....Thinking about trying for our second. Doc says a healthy 34yr old is just like a 19yr old trying to get prego. So we'll see...


Posted at
37, had mirena removed 4/13. Been ttc#5. Have three children trying for 4th. Good luck and baby dust to all!!


Posted at
I'm 32 been trying for over two years. Nothing wrong with either dh or I as far as we can see. Starting ivf in April. Nervous and excited! Sister in law a few years younger than me and due today :-/! She won the grandchild race! 


Posted at
I will be 38 next month and have had 3 chemical pregnancies over the past 2 years. We are TTC #1 and am very nervous that it will never happen. 


Christy • Feb 24, 2014
Keep your head up, think possitive thoughts, and trust in the man upstairs!!!