I was diagnosed with endometriosis in February of 2007

I was diagnosed with endometriosis in February of 2007. My marriage was less than a year old at the time and babies were not part of the plan, yet. After surgery, we tried for a year and half before I threw in the towel and asked for a break. Much soul searching led me back to school to complete a degree teaching sec. ed. English. The road has been bumpy and full of Lupron Depot treatments,frustration and readjusting of any plan we had. As I gear up to graduate, 10 more weeks of student teaching and I am done, I just found out that I am pregnant. Of course, this is also not part of the plan with no teaching job lined up- and who is going to hire a pregnant new teacher-but fortunately I have my job at the hospital as a CCHT to keep us afloat. Long story short- "too late"- I now know that the greatest events in our lives often take us off our beaten path.