A lil while ago I was walking to the market and I suddenly felt sick

A lil while ago I was walking to the market and I suddenly felt sick! I felt very nauseas! My fiancé & I have been trying to conceive since September and in December I downloaded Glow. My lmp was 1/29/14 & I was very anxious to get pregnant & I discovered if I took 2 tsp of guaifenesin every four hours during my fertile days and ovulation day that it could help me conceive faster! It's an ingredient in cough medicine that can be brought and it thins your cervical mucus! After feeling ill, I stopped & picked up a test and I'm pregnant! It's a faint second line but my menstrual wasn't due till the 29th though glow said the 26th. I'm happy and scared at the same time because I had a faint line test a few years ago & it was a chemical pregnancy so obviously I lost the baby. I'm also scared because I was just doing some straining and lifting a few days ago! I hope my baby and pregnancy will be ok. I'm also scared because I my son was born still born when I was 9 months pregnant 11/7/12 because I had pre eclampsia. I know I'm at risk for it again because I had it then. I'm goin to my doctor ASAP & I will b on my meds for my high blood pressure! I can't wait for my fiancé to come in so I can tell him! He's gonna be estactic! I wish all of you the best of luck!