What week did you see a baby??


Okay so I had my first ultrasound done a week ago there away anything there .. Blood work and all came back good then a week ago I had one and there was a sac.. And as of Wednesday it was still a sac.. My levels are 4000 or were the last time they were checked.. Now I'm about  to walk in to another ultrasound... I'm terrified bc we had a miscarriage in November and have tried for 2 years for this! Based on the day we conceived I would only be 3/4 weeks and off period 5 weeks..so is it to early to see a baby? Everything on google says so but my doctor seems concerned and I'm scared! Praying there is a little bean today! 
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I think I was 7


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Well we got this today and hcg is at 6000 ​


Alicia • Apr 5, 2014
Thank you


Ashley • Apr 4, 2014
Hope for a h&h; 9 months! :)


Alicia • Apr 4, 2014
They are we tried 2 years for this one and one miscarriage so it's def a blessing


Posted at
Yes too early, with my first I had a u/s at 4 w 3 d to rule out molar pregnancy and only saw the sac and yolk, my next scan was at 9weeks and I could definatley see him moving and his heart beating although he looked more like a bean! And my 18 week scan you could definatley see a bub with toes and all!


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They count your date from your missed period- so you are 5 weeks. I think all you would see at 5 weeks is the sac though.


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Usually that early u cant see anything!  At 6wk2d u could barely see the little bean​


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I had a scan at 5w3d and all we could see was a sac...​I thought I was like 7weeks...​Baby went on to develop but mc at 9w6d...​But was told it was normal to see that on a scan before 6-7 weeks 


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I had a miscarriage last week and I think that for my next pregnant, I will not be asking for such an early ultrasound. I had mine at 5 weeks and was a little sad that I was only able to see the gestational sac 


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An actual shaped lookig baby at 3 to 4 weeks no. You may see a gestational sac, and yolk sac. The earliest I have seen is 9 weeks and that's being able to see an actual shaped baby on the screen