So angry and done- a rant. Probably long...

Hi All,
​I had a blight ovum and subsequent d&c in August 2013. After waiting 10 weeks, I finally got my period. It took a little while, but my husband and I finally decided to try again in January.   
​My cycles were a little sporadic since the D&C, ranging between 24 and 33 days, so it was difficult to track my cycles.
​My last cycle was 33 days so when my period in march was late, I wasn't overly concerned.  But since I had a dentist appointment, I needed to know for sure. Also my sister-in-law and I were both due In the end of March, and there were times that I was more than a little angry and jealous of her at the same time. So i needed to know for sure before seeing her and going to the dentist.
I had a BFP in March. After what happened I was a little worried. My doctor agreed to see me before 8 weeks. I started spotting on Sunday. The spotting never got heavier but before my Wednesday appointment, I passed a larger bit of CM. I have a pic, if someone has a strong desire to view it.
​At the appointment, he did an ultrasound and didn't see anything. He suspected an ectopic pregnancy. 
​I had a follow-up ultrasound today and another hCG check.  My hormone level has dropped, which I guess is a good thing. A spontaneous miscarriage is better than an ectopic pregnancy. At least that's the way I'm trying to view it. And as long as my hCG continues to drop, he doesn't need to treat me, aside from continuous blood tests. He wants to run more tests in 6 weeks to try and see why this is happening, but I'm so angry.  I mean I felt like I was finally over what happened in August, and I feel like I'm right back there again. I mean it makes me wonder if I really want to keep doing this to myself. I mean I know I'm angry right now, and will probably feel differently later, but right now I'm so mad!!!
​Thanks for letting me rant. 