Severe cramping question

I've never had a real problem with cramps, before BC or on it. Last night, my stomach felt a little upset when I went to bed. I slept terribly and when I woke up this morning, I had probably the worst cramps I've ever had. I realized I slept so badly because no position was comfortable with the pain; even on my back the pressure was too intense. My AF isn't due for another 2 weeks (see picture) so I wasn't surprised when I wasn't bleeding. It was both sides (both ovaries ached, even more intensely when pushed on by hand) so I don't know if it's necessary due to ovulation. It's subsided a bit for now but still very much there. I even had trouble urinating (sorry TMI) where it was painful to use the normal pressure you would when doing so.
​In addition, I've been tired but have insomnia, feeling a bit sick, and this morning I had mild nausea but never vomited. Also as a side in, I've been super short with DH lately. I know my irritation isn't justified but I find myself getting annoyed at things I normally wouldn't, so I know my moods aren't what they normally are. I feel like where I'm at in my cycle, it's way too early to be pregnant. 