where is everyone from..

Kellie • Mother of three and currently ttc #4 due to health issues my chances are starting to shorten every day! Staying positive and wishing everyone lots of baby dust
I am totally new here and so far everyone is very kind and sweet and supportive.. i want to introduce myself and get to know some of you ladies as well (if you dont mind) so ill start and hopefully others will join in... my name is kelli willis.. ive been married for 6 years to the most wonderful man ive met ? i live in ohio and have three children. what brought me here is ive tried for 6 years to have baby #3 and i was not successful.. i didnt see any speicalist because doctors kept reassuring me i was still young and i had no signs of infertility. i suffered 2 miscarriages (one at 10 weeks and another at 20 weeks) i then gave up.. almost gave up my marriage.. i was blessed to meet a amazing couple who were adopting as i started to get to kno them and figure out if we were going to adopt i fell pregnant! i now have a five month old by the grace of god ? but im currently trying for baby #4 some say im foolish i should wait but for some odd reason im to frightened to wait 3 or 4 years to again face another 6 years of trying and trying and no luck! please any advice would help im starting to back out of it but DH wants to give it a try ? lol sooo here i am first cycle im going to try.. may i ask how is everyone elses journey moving along...