1st miscarriage

I started taking my birth control and my ssris on Sunday again after talking to my dr. I need my ssri to function again. I'm crying at random times for no reason. It's harder when I'm alone and my husband is working late and I just need a cuddle.
​the baby died when it was 7w2d, literally the day or night before my first ultrasound. I would have been 10w2d when I was released from the hospital. I had complications. The placenta got stuck in my cervix and they did an internal exam, no surgery, and they pulled it out and instantly the bleeding settled down. I did need two IVs and saline and 2 units of blood because I was severely anemic. I also got a concussion when I passed out and smashed to head on a door frame in the ER. I have all the effects of giving birth. The weird greasy hair that looks full and lifeless now, the acne spring up, the achyness down under. But I have no baby to make it okay. I have my son who will be 5 end of aug but I was going to have another baby and I was due feb 14th. DH doesn't seem to understand very much how hard this is for me and why I don want to get out of bed in the mornings and why I just want to eat cake all day which is even worse cuz I'm an emotional water so I want to eat cake and chocolate and cupcakes and stuff I really shouldn't be eating a tom of. I just didn't know it coul be this hard. I don't know when I'll be okay to TTC again and that's why I went back on my BCP to avoid the chance that we get pregnant by accident. All I remember of the the hospital is pain and I was so out of it. An then when I came home I was in pain still from a concussion. And I'm still having headaches and dizziness when I walk too far and get too hot so the concussion is still there and won't becompletely healed for maybe 3 months. I'm sorry if this is long but I needed to get it all out there and I'm not sure how to deal with this. If I go talk to someone what are they going to do? Tell me to give it 3 weeks for my ssris to be fully in my system and that I'm grieving? I already know that so what else is there I can do?