pregnancy after endometriosis.

so I haven't really seen this topic anywhere. was diagnosed with endometriosis last year. gone through 2 laparoscopys now where they burned off what could be found. I'm19 and have a 4 year old already. was just wondering if anyone has had success in getting pregnant in the years after being diagnosed? I've spent days/weeks just crying because I'm worried that I won't be able to have more children when my boyfriend is ready(stable relationship just wants financial security). if anyone could give me peace of mind I'd appreciate it.. any story is appreciated honestly. the only stories I've heard are my aunt who was told shed never have children who had my cousin. but after my cousin they wanted to do a hysterectomy and my aunt was only 24! and also my boyfriends mom who had her sons back to back just because she wouldn't have been able to have a second child if she had waited. she did have a hysterectomy after her second son. please anything will help me. thanks in advance and sorry this was so long!