I'm gonna vent just a little bit!

So, I'm extremely dissapointed today, not only because I am pmsing & emotional, but because af showed this morning, not a minute late. I'm mad because we've been ttc for over two years now, & nothing! And for some reason, I really thought I had a chance this month. I guess in my mind I think that if someone says 'hey, I think your pregnant!', you should be pregnant! I wish it worked that way! Another reason why I thought it was my month was because I had some weird symptoms I've never had in a tww! I had that metallic taste in my mouth for a few days, I was throwing up, my temps were high, & I was tracking everything as it should've been! I was woken up by af this morning actually, starting her horrid period cramps I always get on the first day of af, & it was just that dropping feeling as if I had failed again. I don't know what to keep doing. My hubby doesn't want to go to a fertility specialist & we don't have fertiity insurance which sucks butt! In Oklahoma though, it's so high to get fertility insurance that doesn't go through work company or anything! I just hate going month after month with seeing those stark white pregnancy tests & then gettin af. I don't know how much longer I can do it! Anyone have any advice as to how I can just let go for a month or two & maybe put all that time into something else but still keep tracking? I don't want to keep stressing over it, it just makes everything so much worse. Anyone in the same boat as me?