Clitoreal inflammation and itching

Heather • Mirena removed 11/11/14 conceived 12/28/14 birth 9/15/15 off oral control 3/31/17, conceived 4/22/17, birth?
Alright, so I had something happen to me that I just kind of wanted to share because I couldn't find much about it online. About a couple months ago around and after my period, my clitoris was very sore, itchy, and inflammed. I was trying to find a cause (I'm in a 12 year mangomous relationship so the likelyhood of an STD is very low, though of course, I didn't put it out of the realm of possibilities.) 
about a week later it just kind of cleared up and I didn't much think about it until my last period when it happened again but this time it was almost unbearable. Last night I couldn't even sleep because it itched, and was very painful to touch. I've been telling my husband about it and of course he's very supportive but just told me to go to the doctor. As many of us don't I am a person without insurence so this can be quite a hard task without spending an arm and a leg. I again went online and found something called vulvodyna, which is something they don't really understand but it is an inflammation on a particular spot of the vulva and can have a blood blister like appearance. Many women deal with it for years it said! I wasn't about to do that! 
​My particular case looked something like this, my inner labia of course comes right up to meet at the underside of my clitoreal hood. The left side is slightly longer than the right side (only by a fraction of a mm) the inflammation was focused on the left with a round larger spot about the size of a half pea. Under the hood was so sensitive I would jump when I touched it and it was only about 4mm long. It itched but of course I couldn't itch it because it hurt so bad. 
​So as a nursing student I decided I would try my own remedy which worked! That's mostly why I'm sharing this because if anyone else has this problem then hopefully it's helpful. This IS NOT...I repeat...IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! I am not a nurse yet and I surely am not a doctor but, this did help me. 
​I took 1 Ibuprofen which is an antiinflammatory to take down the swelling, 2 Benadryls as an antipyretic (or anti itch) and in case it was from allergies it is also an antihistamine, I also got some hemorrhoidal cream which contains Phenylephrine HCI a vasoconstrictor (which constricts blood vessels and can slow bleeding, something which they said was a cause of vulvodyna) and Pramoxine HCI which is a local numbing agent. The hemerroidal cream also has some other barrier protective agents in it. The cream BURNED immensely when I put it on.
​However, today I am a new woman! Practically all the swelling is down. It is still slightly red and slightly itchy but much more bearable. It just seems a bit raw maybe from me itching it a few times and needs time to heal. Another thing I am doing is patting myself dry after urination in case I have some type of UTI I am unaware of and bacteria is getting under my clitoreal hood when I wipe.  I have made an appointment the 11th of November for a prenatal visit and removal of my IUD as I am planning to start a family soon. I will be letting her know about it and if anyone is interested in updates I'll be posting them here. 
​Carry on ladies :)