For some it is easy, but for many it is not!

In today's life we are too independent, too detached from the truth, we rely on doctor's we rely on medications and tests tests and more tests rather then the only one who made us! Our maker and creator the Alpha the Omega, God himself! We need to take a step back and really think about what we put ourselves threw just because we rely on everything else but Him! Do we all already know that nothing in this world can happen if He doesn't allow it to happen? Yes, we question him on why He allows certain things that happen, happen, and only he knows the answer to that, all we are to do is trust him! Believe in him! Let go and Let Him who controls everything take control! Yes it might be easy for some, but their season comes and goes to quickly, let those who are still waiting bask! Give praise! Wait patiently! Because when he does finally answers your prayers it will be SOOOOO MUCH MORE then we had ever dreamed to ask for and it will be so worth the wait! So ladies continue to pray for one another and give the Lord our Saviour Jesus Christ the reigns and he will give you all you have ever desired and more!