
I'm 17, since like 6 months ago I began noticing that 2 weeks to 1 week before my period I start experiencing EXTREME pms. Only the emotional side though.. The physical side is normal, but oh my god.. It's way to intense. I think I even have pmdd.. I told my pediatrician if I can take anti- depressants and he said I'm too young.. I recently started birth control, it only has 2 hormones because my mom doesn't want me to be exposed to so many hormones at such a young age. I thought birth control would help, but I think it may be making it worse, at 17 days before my period this month, I literally checked off all the "How Do You Feel" feelings.. I cry over everything and I get really depressed.. It gets to the point where it affects my relationship. Every month I wanna break up with my boyfriend because I get so overwhelmed with everything. I want it to stop. I just got soy milk because glow said it would help alleviate pms. I don't know what to do anymore. No one is taking me seriously, and they think it's normal, but I can't take this anymore. I get terrified before my period because I know it's coming. All the loss of hope and all. I'm so done with it. Please help, comment with any successful remedies, I need it asap! Please help ?