Cd2 anyone

Hey I'm Hayley I'm 27 me and my partner have been trying for few months seriously for number one and ntnp before that for a while 
​I'm a type one diabetic which I think is our problem yay me tho have that under control now 
​Things I'm doing differently this month 
Opk tracking just cheapie ones as partner my be over seas for this fertile time this cycle 
​Royal jelly and I'm eatting healthy as and exercising mainly to keep me distracted while he is away 
​I have a 28 day cycle with the exception on last month 39 and when my sugar levels are high I cut off at 24  but that's completely up to me on my control to the short cycle and my 39 cycle was a late I due to medication and hospital trip for kidney infection twice in one month just seeing if anyone on a similar cd