Canceled ivf cycle prior to egg retrieval

Hi all, I started my first <a href="">IVF</a> cycle on Sept 22nd and I was on a short antagonist protocol using Ganirelix. I was on BC for 2 weeks and started Menopur and Follistim for about 7 days. I had scans and blood work on 5th and 7th day. The first scan confirmed that the hormones levels were within the expected range and follicles were plenty. And I was told to start Ganirelix. I did so for two days. The scan on 7th still showed follicles but blood work came back with high progesterone. My nurse told me that Ganirelix didn't work and that I started ovulating on my own. She said the level was 0.7 on 5th day scan and had gone up. I was told that I needed to discontinue all my medications for a weeks until they do another US and start with Lupron protocol. Has this happened to anyone or Heard if this? I can't believe I wasted so much medications for nothing. And now I hve to spend even more money for Lupron etc. I was prepared if things went bad following egg retrieval but  would consider this part the easiest. Do you think they didn't monitor me well? Any help is appreciated. Thank you :) 
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Posted at
Same thing happened with me but on a different protocol.. I was on estrogen priming protocol.. Day 5scan &nbsp;showed 5 follies in total and by estrogen dropped to 29 ??Day 3 bloodwork showed estrogen 121. Finally after day 9 cycle was cancelled. Not knowing what to do next.. Feeling very very stressed and hopeless.. I hope god us seeing my pain and listening to my prayers


Sai • Nov 10, 2014
Well explained up there..


Kesh • Nov 10, 2014
What was the reason for cancel?


Sai • Nov 6, 2014
Hey ashlie.. How is your cycle going


Posted at
I don't know much about those drugs but I'm sure this sort of thing can happen and different people react to different drugs in different ways. It's such a difficult process and you don't realise how many parts of it can go wrong. Hopefully next time you will have a&nbsp;good amount of follicles again and get lots of eggs.&nbsp;


Ashlie • Oct 14, 2014
Yea. I hope so too. Thanks for the words of encouragement. Apparently it's not that uncommon on line in forums