6 wks 1 d, symptoms fading

Hi all, I am having some anxiety about my symptoms. I had a missed miscarriage in June, found out at 8 1/2 wks that the baby stopped going at 6 1/2 weeks. Then had to have a D&C at 10 weeks. Needless to say I am pregnant again, and at the 6 week mark. I know each pregnancy is different, however, starting yesterday my sore boobs, and extreme fatigue seemed to lighten up. I haven't really felt nauseous this pregnancy, but yesterday I was extremely hungry. It was weird, nothing seemed to satiate me. I ate and ate!! I don't have cramps or spotting and am holding on to that to get me through the day. This week is the worst since I know I lost the baby at this time last pregnancy. My Dr won't see me for 3 more weeks...hads anyone else had symptoms go, and everything turn out fine? I just need some positive encouragement to keep me from worrying. I am 36 and this baby is desperately wanted.