24 ttc 1st child [warning pic is kinda gross]

Been with my boyfriend for three years. We live 1 & 1/2 hours apart but have met up and had sex frequently enough throughout the three years to where i should have been pregnant already:( other than regular non threatening ovarian cysts, reoccuring yeast and bacterial vaginosis infections i have no pcos, JUST IRREGULAR PERIODS, no endometriosis or anything major wrong. I got a fertility consult but it's being put on hold until bf gets sperm analysis. (Which is stupid i need to know if I'm functioning properly as a woman to put my mind at ease.The specialist said it would be a waste of time and money unless he got involved too, but i hate it when doctors say that, they don't pay any of their money, they get paid for their time, and they probably have kids with out fertility help so i wish they'd cram it! Sorry for the rant but anywho she did my pap and the pic you see is what came out of me to be tested. Its odorless and a day or two later turned white and smooth like lotion when i wiped. Any ideas why? Hoping im pregnant. Last period September 10th next period supposedly due the 25th of this month according to my days <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period app</a>