Ya'll are awesome!

Tessa • Retail Development Manager. MA Forensic Psychotherapy. Engaged to J. Proud LGBTQ. Trying for #2 this winter! :)
You guysssssssss!!!! I cannot even begin to tell you how freaking happy it makes me to read everyone's post talking about <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and AF and whose starting and trying etc. It is so awesome to not be the minority somewhere! lol when I got pregnant with our son I never reached out or belonged to any groups so basically it was always a bunch of people who asked a million questions and I feel never really totally "got it" lol. So great to feel normal, like I'm not the only lesbian who has started s family! I can't wait to start trying in a few months with my partner again for baby #2 :)