Just a really long rant..

I'm 31 weeks pregnant with my second girl and I'm so tired. I'm ready to have this baby already. I'm normally really petite 5feet I started out weighing 112 and now I'm 140 which I think is too much to gain already.. My hips hurt everyday I feel like an 80 year old when trying to stand up, I have terrible varicose veins in my legs that I never had before, cellulite on my butt! And stretch marks down my thighs, on my stomach, boobs and butt! I'm so tired and sleepy all the time right when I want to go out or do something fun with my husband or daughter I feel too tired and if I try to go out tired then I'm in a bad mood..  I'm exhausted and I feel ready to have this baby and at the same time the closer it gets the more fear I feel about going from having one child to 2 and feeling nervous about my csection that awaits! ? I feel bad about feeling this way because I wanted this baby and pregnancy so bad and I told myself I was going to enjoy it and take it all in but I'm just so exhausted and nervous.. I don't know why. Ok now I'm done.  Sorry ..