Gut feeling

Elizabeth • Mommy of one beautiful girl, and twin boys (:
I have this gut feeling that I'm having twins. With my first I knew I wasn't but people joked and said I was. Before ever seeing the baby I was told my hcg levels indicated twins. So you can imagine my shock with that one lol. Ultrasound finally happened. A single baby. I was so relieved, I couldn't show emotion. But I had a dream with my first. I had an older girl, then a boy and girl the same age. Well now I'm pregnant with my second. Doctors appointment on the 3rd. And people have been joking saying its twins. And this time, just this gut feeling isthere  like it is twins. I'm freaking out lol. My daughter will be almost two when I'm due. So twins, well, does not seem very appealing lol. I would be thankful either way. But I think I might go crazy. Lol. Anyone have that gut feeling an end up having twins? I heard its a sign. Basically symptoms would be the same as a single baby, but a gut feeling indicates twins. Please don't think I'm not happy, or ungrateful. I'm very happy, over the moon, but double the trouble with the terrible twos happening. Pretty sure my hair is turning gray thinking about it lol. By the way history of twins goes on both sides. My side is the most frequent with twins. Usually the second pregnancy is twins.