Advice needed

Hello ladies. I could really use some friendly experienced advice on something personal. My fiancé and I have been together for about two years. We are expecting our first child together. I am almost 21 weeks pregnant. It's also a high risk pregnancy. Our relationship has taken a turn for the worst recently. He is always working, working on others peoples stuff when he is off, and the other time he gets off he wants to spend hunting or with friends. Needless to say, I hardly ever see him. And when I do he is usually in a sore mood. I know he has to work to provide for us but I quit my job so that I could be at home more with him because he was complaining that I worked too much. But he's never home. Anyways, so we've been in bickering the last few days due to these issues. I'm having a lot of really bad pains and cramping everytime due to the stress. I went to the doctor the other day and she told me whatever was causing me so much stress that it had to stop. I've tried to explain this to him but he just doesn't understand. He is the only thing I have here other than my other two young children. All my family is 19+ hours away begging me to come home for my sake and the baby's sake. What should I do? I'm out of ideas and quite frankly just tired. Please be polite in your responses. Thank you.